Dave Wolynec - Registered Massage Therapist

Dave Wolynec, Massage Therapist
Serving Surrey and Langley, B.C.

Testimonials from Dave Wolynec's Patients:

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all my clients for their continued support, for referring their friends, family and colleagues and for providing their testimonials, a few of which have been printed below.

"Dave treats my damaged knees using only his hands (no gadgets) and has an amazing awareness and knowledge of the human form. After treatment, I am pain free and feel as though I am walking on air! Everyone I have recommended to him has been impressed by his therapeutic opinion, massage treatment skills and professionalism. His massage is far superior to anything or anyone else that I have tried. He never keeps clients waiting!"
--- Drew

"Dave provided massage therapy to release my frozen shoulder and he worked energetically to help me let go of stored trauma within the shoulder. A remarkable process and healing. Thank you!"
--- Brenda

"Dear Dave. I hope my testimonial hits the spot, just like you do! My friends and I at the tennis club are most grateful to Dave, "Miracle Man" we call him. He was able to diminish pain from me on one visit likewise with neck and back pain on others. Dave is very professional, considerate and one feels very secure. He is excellent with post treatment advice. I recommend you pay a visit to Dave."
--- Jeff

"At last! A therapist who can combine deep work with the aggressive massage techniques I've ever come across. I have been mightily impressed by Dave's professional approach and his attention to the feedback during treatment from both my body and my own observations. I have long standing and complex chronic pain conditions and have seen many other therapists from many other disciplines. I have no hesitation in recommending Dave."
--- Angela

"I have regular treatments with Dave in order to stay fit for my work as a musician. Most people who use their bodies for their work end up with patterns of stress and strain and even injury. A lot of us don't look after our bodies or even know how they work until something goes wrong. The approach Russell has is holistic not merely mechanical. He is intuitive and very good at recognising the patterns I have developed. Treatment is educational too, which is important for long-term health. I have been given various exercises and made dietary changes to make the treatment work more for me. What is remarkable and infectious about Dave, is his incredibly positive attitude. This is essential to anyone turning up for the first treatment wondering whether they will be able to continue, having sustained an injury. I have referred music students and friends to him whose conditions are now greatly improved."
--- Mark

"I have been treated by Dave on several occasions over a period of some weeks and have always found him to be extremely professional and very helpful. Following a very serious car accident I have had various problems and have benefited greatly from regular treatment. Not only does he treat the symptom of the moment, but he looks at the whole body and has been most helpful with advice on various conditions. I have no hesitation in recommending him to other people, which I have already done."
--- Bruce

"I have had treatment by Dave for a variety of conditions, both chronic and acute, often sport related. The treatments have been effective and have usually been combined with regular post treatment exercises, stretches and the like, that have produced long term improvements. Dave is well organised and punctual."
--- Rich

"I'm a lady in my 70's who has suffered over the last twenty years with various problems and have only in the last two years of monthly treatment with Dave found some mobility/feelings in my legs that previously felt like lumps of wood. I found Dave to be very understanding of my needs / age related problems when dealing with my treatment and giving various exercises to help. Dave is very knowledgeable and is able to get across to me the problems I have in a way I can understand in a friendly and highly professional manner. I have no problem in recommending Dave to anybody because I have found that the treatment given has benefited me in body and mind."
--- Nelly