Dave Wolynec - Registered Massage Therapist

Dave Wolynec, Massage Therapist
Serving Surrey and Langley, B.C.

Dear prospective and current patients:

Making the commitment to improving your physical well being can be difficult, but trusting your therapy care to the right person can be even more challenging. I hear more often than not how patients are frustrated with the lack of care, compassion, and sometimes just simple courtesy they receive with a rehab visit. I have made this my personal philosophy since i started my massage therapy practice 1995 , and i pride myself with hands-on, customized, comprehensive, and compassionate care that is administered to each and every one of my patients. From your first, to your last visit, I also believe that my continual education is part of the evolution for a safe and effective treatment of my patients. Over the years of practice i pride myself in continual post educational courses yearly to keep my skill and assessments up to current times and to keep up with the latest treatment outcomes. This results in the most efficient treatment plan and treatment outcomes for my patients.

As a Registered Massage Therapist since 1995 in British Columbia and Calgary , I have not only offered patients my guidance in the progressive and comprehensive profession of Massage therapy, but also pride myself on strong clinician/patient relationships that foster concise and open communication. No, I don't have a location every couple of miles; in fact, I have only one. You can see me there.



David R Wolynec RMT Registered Massage Therapist
Live well and be healthy